Sunday, October 23, 2011

Learnings from the book of James

The main idea of this post is to share with you my reflections on the book of James and how it taught me few most important lessons. In our sunday school at Church, we studied the book of James and today we were reflecting on what each one of us have learnt through this study.

First of all, I want to write the things which were given in the prologue of this book in my study bible.

1. Putting faith into action through words and deeds.
2. Submitting to God under God's care.
3. Prayer needs to be a priority in our lives.

For me I found the book of James as a great instructory blessing. The words written are very simple and gives a clear instruction on how to be our walk with Christ as a Christian in everyday life. Few verses have become my favorites.

"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness"

It taught me that having no faith in God is a sin. Also, believing God brings blessing into our lives. Trust in him makes us righteous. Abraham was called God's friend. How amazing it is to be a friend of God - who is the almighty!

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"

It taught me to be more patient to listen than to speak quickly. I feel that there is a great gain in listening. It makes the other person happy that we are giving him/her attention to what she is speaking and also, we can learn and improve our understanding about different things. Also, the verse says slow to become angry. In this modern world, I feel it is one of the toughest things. But surrendering ourselves to God and lean on him will help us able to follow HIS instructions through HIS word.

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble"

This teaches us to be humble to gain the grace of God in our lives. Also, as we see in the book of Proverbs, "pride walketh before fall", if the grace of God is not in our lives, our lives will be shattered and meaningless.

"Is anyone in trouble? He should pray"

Gives us an instruction that prayer is an important tool to face the troubles of everyday life. Taught me the importance of prayer to survive in this competent world.

Hope these verses are a blessing to you too.

A sinner saved by grace.

1 comment:

melody said...

Thanks for sharing them Lydia!
After a looong time I visit your blog, neat and nice as always :)
You are in my prayers, God Bless!