After saying a tearful gudbye to my buddies, life in the hostel became so boring and gloomy. Always someone used to visit me atleast once a day for some reason. But now in the morning when some one knocks on the door, I eagerly go and open it dreaming if my friends are back to the hostel to surprise me, but when I open Aayamma comes and asks like "amma room cleaning..." huh..Poor me!
So these summer days began with many memories. Being converted from 4-yr course to Dual degree course with a purpose, I sometimes encourage myself not to lost in thoughts and not get discouraged. Afterall this is part and parcel of life. But certainly we do have many emotions. Really miss my BTech days. Hoping for a brightful year to come my way and all my friends.
Miss you all.
Miss you too Lyddu :( I still do remember those days when I used to sit on your chair, you infront of your laptop and do all sorts of gossip :), peep from your window to see people going to coffee shop :P, click pictures with no purpose and last but not the least, cook, ear and sleep :D....
And now, whenever I feel low, there is this thought which always comes to my mind, " wish there was a GH - 218 in stonybrook too :) "
I study alone, sleep for hours (because you aint there to warn me : P ) and cook alone too... start applying for PHD da!!! cant wait to see you here :)
Luv ya loads!!!
Awww Lydu. You are such a sweetheart. I miss the Btech days too. Life was so much fun back then. In spite of staying in the same city, its so difficult to meet sometimes.
Will definitely try and meet you sometime soon. Till then take care :)
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